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At the heart of every effective grass roots campaign are the little things that we do with our friends, neighbors and acquaintances that add up to big benefit when multiplied across the campaign.  My contribution today was a letter that I mailed to the 89 homes in our neighborhood with at least one registered voter.  When I was first doing door to door polling in the earlier days of the campaign I was struck by how many people new little or nothing about Prop 8.  I determined at that point invite my neighbors over to an open house so that we could discuss this important issue.  Of course good intentions didn’t get the job done and sheer number of neighbors overwhelmed my good idea.  Instead I sent a letter to each neighbor and tried to explained why Yes on 8 was so important.  In the end the timing is pretty good I think.  My letter should arrive Friday and should still be relatively fresh on Tuesday.  I know my eighty-nine homes is a drop in the bucket required to pass Prop 8, but it’s my eighty-nine neighbors and that’s what makes grass root efforts work. 

Attached is my letter for those of you who are curious here.