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Tag Archives: marriage amendment

Found a fabulous article from 2004 that looked at the decline of the family in the Netherlands.  The legalization of same-sex marriage was just a stepping stone on the path, but it doesn’t sound like a path we in California should be on.  The fact that we even have to correct our course today is a frightening sign post of where we are already.  Read the article at

I’m fairly sensitive to exaggerations, half truths and outright lies that are told as part of any campaign, especially when they are on the same side as me.  I try to do sufficient research, to read the stories and check out the facts before taking a position.  So today’s post is the outright lies told by the No on 8 Campaign. 

Lie: Yes on 8 is sponsored and financed by big out of state interest groups.

Fact:  The No on 8 campaign has received a full 37% of its money from donors out of state compared to a measly 20.1% for the Yes on 8 campaign.

SourceLA Times Money Tracker (10/16/08)


Lie:  Failure of Prop 8 will not lead to the forced expansion of the gay agenda, including the attempts to limit religious freedom.

Fact:  The backers of No on 8 have used every legal maneuver they could in Massachusetts to prevent parental consent in schools and limit the opportunities for religious group to operate unmolested.

Source: Massachusetts Court Records


Lie: No on 8 will not lead to a slippery slope of marriage arrangements

Fact: The Netherlands , the first country to legalize homosexual marriage, allows multipartner unions (polygamy).

Source: The Brussels Journal


Lie: No on 8 is about Love

Fact: No on 8 is about social acceptance of a damaging shift in family relationship and the promotion of homosexual freedoms at the cost of religious freedoms.

Source: New York Times


The Bible famously states that “By their fruit you shall know them.”  I suppose it shouldn’t be a surprise that those that hate religion would break the eighth commandment – “Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” 


** Thanks to an article on  for providing some of these glaring falsehoods.